Ecuador - Cristo Liberador

Ecuador - Cristo Liberador

Students: 48
Where HOPE is given: Families
Began partnering with E=H: 2012

Cristo Liberador is an Episcopal church that began serving the community of Comité del Pueblo about 30 years ago. At the city’s inception, it was a common area for janitors and launderers to live.

The partnership with e=h was formed when Reverend Lourdes arrived at the church. She had already been working with the scholarship program in another church, so, seeing the financial need of single mothers in the community, she decided to continue the program at Cristo.

Their goals for the future of the program are that the students can recognize the importance of serving others and in the future, serve the community, with their time and/or resources. They also hope to provide special attention to pre-university students, so that young people who will graduate from high school can do well on the standardized testing required for university admission.