Ecuador is a small country along the west coast of South America. Even though Ecuador is small, it has an incredibly diverse geography including the Galapagos Islands, the bright and sunny coast of the mainland, the snow-topped Andes Mountains, and the Amazon Rainforest. The cloud forest (different than a rainforest!) alone is known as one of the most biodiverse places on earth.
Not long ago, a person wanted to help a child who was not going to school due to financial problems, even though Ecuador offers free education. In 2003, our Co-Founder, Cameron Vivanco, gave hope to Laura Farinango at Carmen Bajo, one of our Ministry Sites, in Quito. You can learn more by watching our video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFe7SxdSXGo&t=3s.
In 2009, Education Equals Hope was registered as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and as of 2022, we give hope to students in 17 different communities in Ecuador.